Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Vampire Hollows by Tim O'Rourke

Vampire Hollows concludes my read-a-thon of Tim O’Rourke’s Kiera Hudson One series. First time I have ever sat down and read an entire series back to back to back without reading something else first. I think it actually made the experience more enjoyable. A huge thank you, once again, goes out to Tim for giving me the opportunity!

The story picks up right where Vampire Breed left off with Kiera confronting Dr. Hunt and the group on the run from Elias Munn, Phillips, Kiera’s mother, and the Vampyrus who want to take over the world. Kiera, Kayla Hunt, Isidor Smith, and Sean Potter have somehow survived some serious trials and tribulations and Kiera has undergone an amazing transformation to become the group’s de facto leader and something of the chosen one as it were with wings, fangs, and claws.

Unfortunately, Kiera still needs to resolve some issues like who the real Elias Munn is, who the groups traitor really is, as well as whom her heart really belongs to Luke or Potter. She also must meet with the Elders who want her to make an important decision regarding the fates of both the human race and the Vampyrus. Kiera has been tried and tested throughout this series to the point where she doubts not only herself, but her ability to make the correct decisions when lives are on the line.

The one thing that was abundantly clear to me from the beginning of this series was that Tim was going to maintain Elias’s true identity until the very last breath of this series. It was actually fun guessing which supposed good guy really was the bad guy! I will say that I correctly guessed the identity of Elias Munn and his intentions towards Kiera. I appreciated the revelation into his identity as only Kiera was able to do with flashbacks and “seeing” the evidence play out before her.

As the story unfolds to his climax, Kiera and Gang have only one direction to go; The Hollows. Kiera and Kayla have never been there, but, it’s like a homecoming of sorts for Potter, Isidor, and Luke who is supposedly rescued from the zoo by Potter. If you’ve read this book, you will get my supposedly reference. If you haven’t, what are you waiting for?

As the story concludes its amazing journey which started with Vampire Shift and Kiera’s introduction to a world she never suspected existed, suspicions grow within the group as to the actual identity of Elias Munn. Character after character is brought to their knees leaving Kiera alone to make the awful decision as to which race, human or Vampyrus will she allow to survive.

As for the ending of the story, one can only hope that Tim has some ideas as to how he is going to wrap up Kiera’s story in the second part of her series. I would love to see her gets some much needed time out and a HEA with Potter. I was left with some minor questions like why Tim didn’t allow Kiera to face off with her mother. I think that would have made this book even better. I’m also wondering what Kiera has to do to finally get the monkey off her back and be left alone!

Author - Tim O'Rourke
Title - Vampire Hollows
Released - January 2012

1 comment:

  1. So happy you had a blast with this series. Dead Statues is coming out soon and I hope to see you catching up with KH part deux

