Tuesday, April 15, 2014

*Gizmos Reviews* Top Ten Bookish Things (That Aren't Books) That I'd Like To Own

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. Each week there is a new topic and we all share our thoughts on that topic! I decided it was finally time to jump on board with this wicked fun meme!

For this week on Top Ten Tuesday, the topic is:

Top Ten Bookish Things (That aren't books) That I'd like to Own

1. Kindle Paper-white - It's not a book, but I would be totally lost without my Kindle. Since I currently have 700 E books on a model that is 2 years old, it is time to upgrade!

2. My Blog's name on swag, business cards, and other things to giveaway - Been blogging for nearly 3 years, and this has remained at the top of my WANT TO DO list.

3.  I want THIS set up now! My apartment is in total disarray, and I need an organizer!

4. Wallpaper designed with my favorite Science Fiction novels - Since I live in an apartment, this won't be happening anytime over the next year. But, it's a nice dream.

5. All of my favorite books that have been made into movies, on DVD so that I can watch them anytime I want. Yeah, this is me being totally lazy by not already having them!

6. I'd like to own my very own electric car that folds out into a book. 

7. A collection of T-shirts that say Keep Calm and Read a Damn book already!

8. I want a Tread mill with a built in book holder so that I can read while I walk.

9. I'd like autographs from every single author that I adore, and can't get enough of. (I know it says no books, but I'd take autographed books!)

10. TBD - letting my brain ponder the infinite possibilities. 


  1. I totally want my blog's name on swags too, omg why didn't think that before? It would totally be cool!
    I live in a apartment too and it's so messy, books lying all around lol
    my top ten tuesday http://wp.me/p3v5T1-o6

  2. My kindle is definitely in need of an upgrade! I have the first ever one! It's done me well though. I might get a paperwhite when I get a new one! I love your list :-)

  3. Great list! I got business cards for my blog recently for London Book Fair, but I ended up barely giving out any. Now have 200 just sitting here lol. Kindle Paperwhite is something that I am desperate to get my hands on too! I want a treadmill full stop, but one with a book holder would be the best. I really wish my exercise bike had one... trying to read on that thing is almost impossible. Here's my TTT.
