Welcome, one and all, to the Alien Collective Blog Tour!
I am pleased to kick things off today with a mini-interview with Gini's main heroine, Katherine "Kitty" Katt.
Welcome one and all! Today on the program, I am very happy to have
Katherine "Kitty" Katt-Martini! She's the heroine of Gini Koch's science
fiction/romance series by the same name. If you haven't yet read the series, you are missing out on all the fun.
On to the interview! Hi Kitty! Thank you so much for taking a short break from the Mastermind hunt and destroy to speak with me today! I know you have so much on your plate right now, with all things considering.
Shelley, it’s really great to be here! And, yeah, any break from pounding my
head against a wall trying to figure out who the Mastermind might be is very
First question from my readers; So, are we getting closer to the actual reveal of the Mastermind? Gotta tell you, I've been guessing and coming close to figuring it all out but Gini continues to throw monkey wrenches at my head and laughing hysterically at my suffering! Anything you can reveal without spoiling it for readers?
First question from my readers; So, are we getting closer to the actual reveal of the Mastermind? Gotta tell you, I've been guessing and coming close to figuring it all out but Gini continues to throw monkey wrenches at my head and laughing hysterically at my suffering! Anything you can reveal without spoiling it for readers?
aka The Creator, does not allow us to provide spoilers of any kind. Michael
Gower tried to and, well, you know what she did to him…
I can say that I have it on good authority that we’ll have a really good idea
of who the Mastermind is in Book 10/Universal Alien. Though that’s subject to
change, if The Creator likes a different idea or something.
Yes, I know what happened to Michael. ::reaches for Kleenex:: Humor me for a moment, but, who would you say was more likely to survive the apocalypse? You or the cast from The Walking Dead?
Yes, I know what happened to Michael. ::reaches for Kleenex:: Humor me for a moment, but, who would you say was more likely to survive the apocalypse? You or the cast from The Walking Dead?
you kidding? I’ve already survived at least, what, two apocalypses AND a room
full of hot zombies, and that was after I’d just had a baby. Me and my gang
will totally survive, anything, and save the world at the same time. It’s what
we DO.
Great Answer and I agree with you! Have to tell you Kitty, I adore your spunkiness, the brilliant ways you come up with to end aliens and your enemies, your Kittisms which always has me cracking up, and the fact that you challenge those around you to be better than they are by protecting the innocents. How can you still be sane after all this time? Are you not ready for a nice vacation in say, Tahiti?
thank you! You’re a gal of insight and discriminating taste, I’ve always said
so. I’d love to go to Tahiti, or our favorite vacay spot, Cabo. However, evil
seems to never take the day off, or when it does we’re busy trying to catch up
to evil, fix what evil’s done, or just regroup. Evil never sleeps, or somesuch.
Evil never wants US to sleep, I can say that.
What's next for Kitty, Jeff, Jamie-Katt, and crew? Will we ever see you take over for
your mom, who I must say, is adorable?
What's next for Kitty, Jeff, Jamie-Katt, and crew? Will we ever see you take over for
your mom, who I must say, is adorable?
I think my mom’s awesome, too. But I could never head up the P.T.C.U. That
would require me to go through a variety of training with the C.I.A., N.S.A.,
F.B.I., Mossad, and Homeland Security, plus more, and, frankly, I don’t have
the ability to keep my mouth shut around blowhards. Mom’s grooming Kevin Lewis
as her replacement – he just has to flash his awesome smile and everyone does
what he wants, so I think Mom’s got the right plan.
for what’s next for my family and our friends? Well, more mayhem, hijinks, witty
comebacks in the face of danger or, as I call it, panicking with style, and,
God willing and the creek don’t rise, lots more sex with Jeff. But that last
one’s just for me.
Thank you so much for Gini Koch for writing this series, and for allowing Kitty to unwind for just a moment until she heads once again into the search for the Mastermind.
Thank you so much for Gini Koch for writing this series, and for allowing Kitty to unwind for just a moment until she heads once again into the search for the Mastermind.
Alien Collective is the 9th installment in the Katherine "Kitty" Katt series, and changes the scope of things a bit with Jeff's run for the Vice Presidency of the United States. If Jeff were a real person, I would totally vote for him! Can I just say that I absolutely LOVE the gorgeous & badass cover featuring Kitty, Prince, and yes, Jeff? It is very prevalent to what actually happens in this book!
If you haven't already
started reading this series yet, and you enjoy a heroine who is badass, deeply in love with her
daughter and husband, and would do ANYTHING to save this planet, then you
SHOULD be reading this series! There are plenty of villains, the story is set in a science fiction universe where the aliens are drop dead gorgeous, and a secretive Mastermind who is as devious and deadly as they come. Our heroine is Number One on the Villains Hit Parade., and she totally kicks their asses with her Glock, her Poofies and Peregrines, and of course, the hot men and women of the Alpha Centurion!
Gini Koch lives in Hell’s Orientation Area (aka
Phoenix, AZ), works her butt off (sadly, not literally) by day, and writes by
night with the rest of the beautiful people. She writes the fast, fresh and
funny Alien/Katherine “Kitty” Katt series for DAW Books, the Necropolis
Enforcement Files series, and the Martian Alliance Chronicles series for Musa
Publishing. As G.J. Koch she writes the Alexander Outland series. She also
writes under a variety of other pen names including Anita Ensal, Jemma Chase,
A.E. Stanton, and J.C. Koch. She speaks frequently on what it takes to become a
successful author and other aspects of writing and the publishing business. She
is also the Lead Editor at Raphael’s Village, an online, nonpaying ’zine.
Because she wasn’t busy enough, Gini’s added on featured guest columnist,
reviewer, and webcaster for Slice of SciFi and It’s Comic Book Day. She can be
reached through her website at www.ginikoch.com.
There is also a giveaway of one autographed books personalized by Gini and it can be from books 1-8 from the Katerine "Kitty" Katt series. This giveaway is opened INTERNATIONALLY! I will choose the winner from those who comment on this interview!

oki i'm a book behind i think or i completly missed the memo because i don't know what happened to Michael!!! ç_ç I'm stressed now need to rush back near my shelves and read again starting at book 1 to be sure not to miss anything^^;;
ReplyDeleteI really love this series and i'm glad to have learn that there are hope for up to 20books^^;; i never have enough of Kitty and i can't resist the poofs!!!
thank you a lot for the opportunity to win!
Yay love the interview. Still a copule of books behind but need to catch up soon . XD. Thanks for the give away. Neoterragoddess(AT)gmail(DOT) com
ReplyDeleteI loved the interview with Kitty, she's one of my very favorite characters. I've loved this series from the beginning, and it's such torture waiting for each new book to come out. I'm always thrilled to see them though, and I'm looking forward to reading Alien Collective.
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great series. It's an awesome mix of comedy, romance and action. Kitty is such a cool heroine and you can't help but love Martini. I hope their will be a lot more books in the future. I need more of the gang.
ReplyDeleteLoved the interview.
Hey Steph! You won! I will be emailing you ASAP! Thanks for your participation!
DeleteWhen I found the Katherine "Kitty" Katt books, it was a "Where have you been all my life?" moment. I have bought six paperbacks of Touched by an Alien for gifts; six people have been converted to Team Gini Koch. I'm so thankful that Gini is allowing her Hook-Me-Up newsletter fans to select from a handful of other titles in her bibliography for a prize, because I'm 100% current on Kitty. Some of them, I own in multiple formats. LOL. Hey- Kitty's famous quote works for my book obsession too: "My crazy's working a lot better than your sanity." bookwormpov (at) gmail (dot) com ----> Currently, Amazon Top Reviewer #4,768
ReplyDeleteI am so amazed that you can say different things for each interview. That is truly amazing. Whoa...wait...no wonder it's different. I thought the yapping tune was a little off. Thank you, Kitty, for giving us the scoop. Really wonderful to hear what you have to say.
ReplyDeleteBut then the series is great and always a fun read.
I love character interviews. I couldn't understand why people did them initially until I finally read one about a series I had actually read.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe that I missed the release of the last book! I am looking forward to getting caught up on the series!