Saturday, August 27, 2016

#Stacking the Shelves / Bought, Borrowed, and Bagged # 30

Bought Borrowed and Bagged is all about the latest additions to your library – virtual or actual, with books that are  bought, borrowed, won or ARCs  you will be reading soon. Bought Borrowed and Bagged is a homage to to Barron’s Books and Baubles from Karen Marie Moning’s amazing Fever series, and is hosted by Braine over at Talk Supe. 

Thanks for Shopping by!

Have a great weekend! 

This Weeks Reviews: 

Monday - Admiral by Sean Danker (Adult, Science Fiction)

Wednesday - The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima (YA, Fantasy)

Thursday - Breath of Earth by Beth Cato (Alt History, Science Fiction)

Friday - The Scorpion Rules by Erin Bow (YA, Science Fiction)

Saturday - The Tattooed Heart by Michael Grant (YA, Fantasy)

Scheduled for Next Week: 

Monday - Vicarious by Paula Stokes (YA, Science Fiction)

Blog Tour/Release Day Review  - Unraveled by Jennifer Estep (UF) 

Wednesday - The Flame Never Dies by Rachel Vincent (YA, Fantasy)

Thursday - Infinite Risk by Ann Aguirre (YA, Urban Fantasy)

Friday - The Exiled Queen by Cinda Williams Chima (YA, Fantasy)

Saturday - The Masked City by Genevieve Cogman (SciFy, Time Travel)

*Received from Edelweiss, NetGalley, Library*



  1. I hope you love Kappes, it's my favorite chick-lit/cozy atm :)

    1. I requested the first four books from the library so that I don't miss anything. Figure I had time before both of these books came out.

  2. Oooh nice! Those are some new to me ones! Hope you enjoy each and every one of them!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)
