Wednesday, April 25, 2018

ARC #Review - Ghost Slayer by Majanka Verstraete #Paranormal #Romance

Series: Ghost Slayer # 1
Format: E-Book, 257 pages 
Release Date: April 24, 2018
Publisher: Fire Quill Publishing
Source: NetGalley
Genre: New Adult / Paranormal / Romance

Twenty-one-year-old Kaelyn has spent half her life hunting ghosts and killing them. But she's not like the other ghost hunters who have to rely on spells and curses to banish ghosts back to where they came from, hoping that they don't come back. When Kaelyn kills a ghost, they stay dead.

But in Mortimer Hall, a behemoth of a house, Kaelyn is about to face the most powerful Twenty-one-year-old Kaelyn has spent half her life hunting ghosts and killing them. But she's not like the other ghost hunters who have to rely on spells and curses to banish ghosts back to where they came from, hoping that they don't come back. When Kaelyn kills a ghost, they stay dead.

But in Mortimer Hall, a behemoth of a house, Kaelyn is about to face the most powerful and life-threatening ghost she ever met, and what she doesn't know is that the ghost has been waiting just for her...  

Ghost Slayer is the first installment in author Majanka Verstraete's Ghost Slayer series. The story really starts out wonderfully. Kaelyn is on a job trying to get rid of a 19th century ghost who has killed several people. Why should I care, you ask? Because when Kaelyn gets a job, she does what she is paid to do; remove ghosts permanently. The other curiosity is her relationship with her mother. No, I am not going to spoil it for you.

I will say that they've moved plenty of times over the course of the past 10 years. They travel from town to town removing maleficent ghosts. But, Kaelyn also has plenty of issues outside of her attending college for parapsychology and other courses. The first issue is one Alex Miller who she was once smitten with and returns to her life asking for assistance with an exorcism. The second issue is that she is about to take a field trip to one of the most haunted houses in existence; Mortimer Hall. Mortimer Hall has a long history of accidents, deaths, and mayhem. 

As a ghost slayer, Kaelyn is sensitive to ghosts. But, that won't prevent her from stopping what's coming her way. It won't stop Alex from re-entering her life with a shocking secret that really explains Kaelyn's history before this story even opened. There is no complicated world building. There are, however, a rather large cast of characters. From Kaelyn's professor who carries a rather large secret, to her best friend who has no clue what she is, to Kaelyn's fellow students who could wind up as cannon fodder if she doesn't do her job.

So, the book starts out quickly, fades to mediocrity, and then rushes towards the ending in a breakneck pace. Oh, and the ending leaves no doubt that this isn't a standalone, and that if you are full invested in this story, you should also be prepared to carry on to the sequel. The story is a bit on the creepy and dark side, that I will admit. However, I could have done without the whole romance angle that just seemed to come out of the blue and added nothing to the story itself. I loved the gothic setting of Mortimer Hall. Add to it the plethora of ghosts, and one disturbingly powerful ghost who seems to not only know Kaelyn, but is 5 steps ahead of her.

Will I read the sequel? Sure why not? After all, there is a huge storyline that is still be be wrapped up and I'd like to see what happens next after Kaelyn's trip to Mortimer Hall opened her eyes to her own past. 

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