Wednesday, August 28, 2019

#Review - Courting Darkness by L.R. Braden (Urban #Fantasy)

Series: The Magicsmith # 2
Format: Ebook, 283 pages
Release Date:  August 23rd 2019
Publisher: Bell Bridge Books
Source: Publisher
Genre: Romance , Sci Fi & Fantasy

Deeper into the shadows. . . 
The paranatural community isn’t done with Alex. She’s been summoned to the fae court, and she's got her hands full trying to prepare. But her date with the fae will have to wait. There’s been a death at the gallery, and the man she hoped would be a part of her future is the prime suspect.

Bitter enemies pull her into the middle of a paranatural war for territory that has her dodging police, swords, teeth, and claws—not to mention the truth. The deeper she digs, the more secrets she uncovers, and the less certain she is about the innocence of the one man she wanted to trust. She thought she was done with murder and monsters, but she’ll have to enter the belly of the beast if she hopes to save her friend.

Courting Darkness is the second installment in author L.R. Braden's The Magicsmith series. The story picks up where A Drop of Magic left off. Protagonist Alex Blackwood is a metalsmith whose works are often inspired by the mood that she is in thanks to her magic. Oh, yes, she's also part fae, but without all the worry about metals burning her like full blooded Fae. Alex's Grandfather gave her a magical boost to her powers, but it also marked her as kin. To make matters worse, she's been summoned to the Court of Enchantment which meets in only a few short weeks!

That means it's time for Alex's life to be turned upside down by Faerie protocol lessons, as well as unwanted guests like Hortense who don't believe Alex has any hope of surviving her visit. Thanks to her roommate and protector Kai, Alex is getting the hang of Fae politics, but she is no where near ready for having everyone in Faerie test her. But, before we get there, Alex first has to deal with her supposed beau, James, and his issues which include being accused of murder and an arrival of a lunatic Vampire Master who intends to bring upheaval to Colorado.

Alex learns that James nemesis, Merak, is in town making his life a living hell. To make matters worse, this antagonist knows that James has feelings for Alex, and he will use her to take down James as well as making Alex's life a living hell. Alex has other worries as well. The ever present Paranatural Task Force, especially Agent O'Connell, is keeping a close eye on Alex as well as Kai. He doesn't trust all. She knows that if it is exposed that she's a hybrid, she will be sent to the Fae reservation. 

To matters even more twisted, there's a new governor of Colorado who belongs to a racist group known as Purity. Purity preaches the wholesale eradication of magical beings like Alex and her friends James, Kai, Marc, Kayla, Sarah, Jynx, and Chase. Alex needs to be very careful drawing the wrong kind of attention to her or she won't have to worry about getting read to visit Faerie. My worry is that someone close to Alex, maybe a co-worker, will be the one to spill the beans. But, we shall see! I also worry that this series will drag on past the third installment before Alex ends up in Faerie, but again, we shall see!

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