Wednesday, December 18, 2019

#Review - Fearless Magic by Megan Crewe #YA #Fantasy

Series: Conspiracy of Magic #3
Format: Kindle Edition
Release Date: December 5, 2019
Publisher: Another World Press
Source: Amazon
Genre: Young Adult / Urban Fantasy

Can they be fearless enough to save the world's magic?

Rocío Lopez and Finn Lockwood are finally reunited—but under desperate circumstances. Magic is raging, and the mage community is in chaos as the Confed struggles to hold onto its secrets.

Rocío believes exposing those secrets is the key to saving the world's magic. She never wanted to become the leader of a revolution, but with her unique understanding of the crisis, taking charge may be the only way to see her mission through.

Adrift from his old life after the deadly disaster that rocked his family, Finn scrambles to support the rebellion's efforts however he can. But his connections to the old-magic world may be his greatest asset—if he can find a way to bridge the divide.

With tensions rising between the Dull authorities and magical society, a revolution might not be enough to turn the tide. Can Rocio and Finn find the strength in themselves and each other to prevent an even greater catastrophe?

Fearless Magic is the third and final installment in author Megan Crewe's Conspiracy of Magic trilogy. The story picks up right where Wounded Magic left off. In the previous books, readers learned that any castings that caused harm or damage have ill effects on Magic itself. Magic is now fighting back hard which is causing major disruptions. Finn Lockwood and Rocío Lopez stand on the precipice of magic destroying the world unless something radical happens to change its course. The story alternatives between Finn, who has no magic, and Rocio who may be the strongest mage in a generation.

Rocío is AWOL from her National Defense team and hunted by the Dull government for interfering in military maneuvers. After learning some shocking news, Rocio now has proof that Nulls, those without magic, can actually harken magic. They may be what is needed to show the world that magic isn't just for a select group of chosen people. The problem is can find enough willing Null's who are able to put their lives on the line when both Nulls and magic users are fighting for the status quo? Her plan to save magic gets harder after terrorists, Bonded Worthy, struck the North American Confederation of Magic building killing Finn's uncle and plan to cause even more damage to magic.

With the help of her fellow Champion teammates (Sam & Desmond), Finn, and the Freedom of Magic League, she will do whatever it takes to save magic. While being hunted by Confed as a national security threat, Finn’s tries to convince his family to help him after revealing his involvement with the Freedom of Magic League. Surprisingly, it is his sister who seems to be the more wiling to accept what Finn is trying to do with Rocío. As a reminder, after losing out in becoming a Champion in the first installment, and being dampered so that he has no magic, Finn has become a brave voice for those who have suffered at the hands of the Confederations outdated and brutal rules. 

Finn and Rocío's relationship has been the key to the enjoyment of this series. He's from a well off family with connections that go back years, Rocío's family is poor and not able to get into the prestigious magic schools like Finn. However, they quickly put all that behind them in the first book and worked extremely well together since. While Rocío is overseas, Finn worked on the home front putting together an alliance that seems to be what he was called to do. Overall, this was a pretty decent finale to the series and yes, I do recommend that you read the books as they were released in order to understand and enjoy them better.

**I voluntarily read this book without any obligations of writing a review. My review is based on my observations and notes and not on expectations by the author or anyone else. **

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