Friday, January 10, 2020

#Review - Fire Within by Eliza Nolan #YA #Fantasy #Paranormal

Series: The Phoenix # 3
Format: Kindle 252 pages
Release Date: December 27, 2019
Publisher: E. N. Publications
Source: Author
Genre: YA, Paranormal, Fantasy

Julia Long has finally come to terms with her Phoenix powers. Now, all she has to do is perform the final binding ritual and she’ll not only be safe, she’ll be immortal.

To make that happen, Julia and her friends travel to Charleston to find the Ankatala, an ancient book of magic the ritual requires. But the Priest at the Phoenix temple wants Julia's powers, and he's plucking them from her one by one, a process that will ultimately kill her.

Now Julia must learn the most valuable lesson of all: Sometimes the fire within us is all we have.

Fire Within, by author Eliza Nolan, is the third and final installment in the authors The Phoenix trilogy. Protagonist Julia Long has accepted her fate as the Phoenix and all that comes with it. Super powers and immortality. For months, Julia and her gang have been trying to locate the Ankatala (Book of the Phoenix) which is said to hold the answer to performing the final ritual. But, until she completes the final ritual, she is vulnerable to attack which means that her enemies will try anything to prevent her from ascending. 

In order for her enemies, most especially Aimes, Phoenix High Priest, to take her powers, they need to kill her. Still in Charleston, S.C., Julia is surrounded by her friends Samantha and Graham who she chose over her fated mate Keles or Nefidari as well as her mother. Julia also needs (5) powerful Beshi who are supposed to give their powers to Julia so she ascends as the Phoenix. Graham is one of those Beshi, and so is Jack, Julia's cousin and troublemaker who is able to invade and spy on Julia via Samantha. 

The answers may be held in a place called the Phoenix Temple but the Temple is warded against Julia so she needs to find other ways to get inside. Then, while shadow walking, she see's a girl in the temple who might be another ally, or an enemy. Thankfully, Parker, becomes an ally. She also has her own story to tell in that she's been searching for her sister Dee who went missing. Parker believes that Dee is here somewhere in the Temple. Parker is also handy at healing magic which comes in handy. 

There have been some positives over the past two books. Julia found family in Turkey (Rabia and the Beshi). Her family in Turkey was much, much more knowledgeable about the ritual of the Phoenix than Julia has been able to investigate herself. She reconnected with her mother who is a bit on the overprotective side trying to make up for lost time. Even though she is fated by magic to be mated to Keles, she decided to choose her own mate instead. This might come as surprise for you, but I actually agree with the decision. 

In all honesty, Julia is her own worst enemy. She has literally sabotaged herself at every step. Her self doubt about her abilities even creates her own shadow darkness that taunts her and goads her. She doubts her ability to become the Phoenix when everyone else knows that she's more than capable. When will Julia finally accept who she is? Or, will it be too late and Aimes and his goons find a way to take her powers and her destiny away? 

This book doesn't end with the final chapter. If you don't have the Epilogue, you are missing a reunion of sorts that you don't want to miss out on. I would suggest that if you do read this series, start from the beginning. There's a whole lot of stuff that you would miss by just starting with this book.

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