Tuesday, May 21, 2024

#Review - She's Not Sorry by Mary Kubica #Thrillers #Psychological

Series: Standalone
Format: Hardcover, 336 pages
Release Date: April 2, 2024
Publisher: Park Row
Source: Publisher
Genre: Thrillers / Psychological

An ICU nurse accidentally uncovers a patient’s frightening past in this chilling thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of Local Woman Missing and Just the Nicest Couple.

Everyone has secrets, but not everyone has remorse…

A terrible accident.

Meghan Michaels is trying to find balance between being a single mom and working full time as an ICU nurse, when a patient named Caitlin arrives in her ward with a traumatic brain injury. They say she jumped from a bridge and plunged over twenty feet to the train tracks below.

A shocking revelation.

When a witness comes forward with new details about Caitlin’s fall, it calls everything they know into question. Was a crime committed? Did someone actually push Caitlin, and if so, who... and why?

No one is safe.

Meghan lets herself get close to Caitlin until she’s deeply entangled in the mystery surrounding her. Only when it’s too late, does she realize that she and her daughter could be the next victims...


Mary Kubica's She's Not Sorry is a twisted psychological thriller that focuses on an ICU nurse who gets involved in the life of a trauma patient that allegedly committed suicide. Meghan Michaels is a recently divorced wife who is trying to be a good mother to her 16-year-old daughter Sienna, and be a good nurse in the ICU unit of her local hospital. After COVID, nurses were burned out, and there's now a shortage of both nurses and doctors, but the patients still come. 

They still need help. They still need a place to heal. And that includes Caitlin Beckett who allegedly jumped off a bridge. Meghan is haunted by Caitlin because her sister Bethany died by her own hand. When a witness to the fall comes forward, it appears that Caitlin may have been pushed. Meghan finds herself drawn into Caitlin's life, forming a bond with her family members, who share their daughter's secrets. Meghan also notices a suspicious man lurking around Caitlin's room outside of visiting hours. Meghan finds herself questioning the actions of the family, especially one of her brothers.

Meanwhile, Meghan re-connects with an old friend from high school who is going through a difficult divorce and may be an abused wife. To top it off, being the mother of a teen daughter, living in a neighborhood that isn't exactly safe, causes Meghan heartburn and fear because you never know if she or her daughter will be the next victims of a mysterious man who has been attacking women. 

It is fair to say that the author has a way of messing with your mind. Just when you think you know what is happening, the author twists the story so hard that I literally started cussing. Not kidding. The ending left me a bit angry at the author because she did a grave injustice to the nursing field. One of my greatest failings was not completing my nursing degree after spending years being a paramedic/firefighter in New York State. I think nurses don't get the credit they deserve, but there are times that they are human, and mistakes do happen. Same with doctors. If you are a young woman who is in High School, or just starting college, and you are empathic, and caring, and good at science, please consider the nursing field.  

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