Friday, June 7, 2024

#Review - The Fall of Waterstone by Lilith Saintcrow #Epic/#Fantasy

 Black Land's Bane (#2)
Format: Paperback, 416 pages
Release Date: June 11, 2024
Publisher: Orbit
Source: Publisher
Genre: Epic Fantasy

An elemental witch and her shieldmaiden navigate a dangerous world of forgotten myth and deep magic in the second volume of New York Times bestselling author Lilith Saintcrow’s sweeping Norse-inspired epic fantasy series.

Solveig and her shieldmaid have finally reached the fabled Elder sanctuary of Waterstone—a city of healing, restful beauty hidden from the Enemy’s gaze. Yet whispers race through the palace halls, and those they have come to tentatively trust have hidden intentions. For not only is the city a refuge for an elementalist, her protector, and a mortal prince, it also holds a great weapon, one that only Solveig’s kind may wield.
Yet Sol’s faith in her own magic is perilously fractured. She can rely only her wits and skills of negotiation to be heard, or she will become a pawn in a dark game played by Elder and Enemy alike. The lord of the Black Land is mighty; treachery slithers amid Waterstone’s many wonders, and time is growing short.
Before the darkness finds a way in, Sol must decide who to trust, where to turn for aid, and if she will take up a power she cannot hope to control. Even the right choice may doom not just the home she has left behind, but the entire world…

Lilith Saintcrow's The Fall of Waterstone is the second installment in the author's Black Land's Bane series. Norse-inspired worlds are evergreen in fantasy, with a recent resurgence in popularity as seen by the success of Shadow of the Gods and films like The Northman. The quest-like structure of the book and the emphasis on old legends and myths will also appeal to fans of epics like Lord of the Rings.
This story is told in the first person narrative by Solveig of Don Rithell, who along with her shieldmaiden Arneior, continue to find all sorts of trouble on their way to what is supposed to be sanctuary from the Enemy's forces that have laid siege to every place that they have visited. Solveig and her shieldmaiden have finally made it to Waterstone, a fabled city hidden in a world of frost by ancient magic where Solveig is supposed to be safe with her unique abilities. 
Shrouded from the Enemy’s gaze, they are safe to rest and regroup—or so they think until a betrayal no one sees coming once again sends the travelers searching for safety. Waterstone is supposed to be a city of healing, and restful beauty hidden from the Enemy’s gaze. Yet whispers race through the palace halls, and those they have come to tentatively trust have hidden intentions. For not only is the city a refuge for an elementalist, her protector, and a mortal prince, it also holds a great weapon, one that only Solveig’s kind may wield. 
Yet Sol’s faith in her own magic is perilously fractured. She can rely only her wits and skills of negotiation to be heard, or she will become a pawn in a dark game played by Elder and Enemy alike. The lord of the Black Land is mighty; treachery slithers amid Waterstone’s many wonders, and time is growing short. Before the darkness finds a way in, Sol must decide who to trust, where to turn for aid, and if she will take up a power she cannot hope to control. 
Even the right choice may doom not just the home she has left behind, but the entire world. Sol suspects their hosts are not as benevolent as they seem. Whispers race through the halls, hinting at self-serving agendas and secret plots. So, as Sol attempts to harness her awakened magic, she must fight for her voice to be heard or risk being used like a pawn in the greater game. But as our heroine's soon learn. the Enemy always watching and nowhere is truly safe.Before the darkness finds a way in, Sol must decide if she will take up the mantle of power to save not just the home she’s left behind, but the future of the world. 
*Thoughts* While the pacing of the book is once again slow, the action scenes make up for the peaceful scenes. In many ways, this book follows in the footsteps of Lords of The Rings, and similar books that have long epic journeys where the key players and her allies are hounded at every turn. No matter where Solveig goes, it seems that the Enemy knows exactly where she is and what she is collecting along her journey. The rest of the cast consists of Elders, and Wolves from Naras who have vowed to protect Solveig. The book once again ends on a cliffhanger, and yet another new place for Solveig to investigate.

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