Thursday, June 27, 2024

#Review - Skullduggery by Helen Harper #Fantasy #Paranormal

Series: Thrill of the Hunt # 3
Format: Kindle, 296 pages
Release Date: June 17, 2024
Publisher: Helen Harper
Source: Kindle Unlimited
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Okay. I’ll admit I’ve got problems. But surrender is word wholly absent from my vocabulary.

My grasp on magic is shaky at best and my dependence on spider’s silk is a battle I’m still fighting. But while my heritage and my health might be problematic, I’m certainly not going to roll over and give up.

Not me. Not ever.

With Hugo Pemberville and his skilled band of Prime treasure hunters by my side, I'm drawn into a quest for a mythical golden skull. This artefact might just be the breakthrough needed to shed light on the enduring mystery of Lady Rose's disappearance - but the search for it will force me down a twisty path filled with unexpected revelations.

The echoes of the past have never felt quite so close to home.

Skullduggery by Helen Harper is the third installment in the authors Thrill of the Hunt series. Key Characters: Daisy Carter, and Hugo Pemberville. Daisy Carter is a low-elf living in Edinburgh, Scotland. She is addicted to spider silk because it helps control her magic. She has two brownies (Hester & Otis) who she rescued from a curse. She has recently come under the guidance of Hugo Pemberville who is a treasure hunter. 

Hugo is trying hard to teach Daisy the ropes, including how to use her new sword called Glory, while also hoping that she can finally control the usage of a drug that she shouldn't be taking. Daisy's other issue is that she recently met a dangerous fiend, think Demon, named Athair who seems intent on finding out who her mother was. But this story focuses on a mystery 30 years in the making. The mystery of what really happened to Lady Rose Assigney. 

Thanks to some encouragement from sorcerer Gordon Mackenzie, Daisy, Hugo, Otis, Hugo, and some of Hugo's prime treasure hunters search for a missing golden skull. What they don't count on is Daisy being thrown back in time 30 years where she meets Hugo's parents, and the Lady Rose. She also discovers that powerful fiends are after Rose because she is fertile. She's one of the few humans who is capable of carrying the spawn of a fiend, and each of the demons want the baby. 

One of those demons is Athair who has made some interesting claims about Daisy. Daisy, with a little help from Hugo, and Hugo's parents, must do whatever they can to save Rose or she will die. The one thing that is certain. Daisy's life will never be the same again, and two, Daisy's relationship with Hugo is now moving into an entirely different direction thanks to Hugo's new found patience with Daisy, and finally understanding the truth his parents have been carrying around with them for 30 years. Daisy also learns a little secret about her magic, and all I have to say is it's about time! 

The author states that there will be one more book in this series which she is calling the finale. It's due to release in September of this year. 

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