Wednesday, August 28, 2024

#Review - A Demon Faerie Tale by L.R. Braden #Fantasy #Paranormal

Series: The Rifter Series # 3
Format: E-Book, 129 pages
Release Date: September 13, 2024
Publisher: Bell Bridge Books
Source: NetGalley Invite
Genre: Urban Fantasy

It's always a demon, right? Unless it's a curse…

When a fellow PTF agent dies of unnatural causes, Ty suspects a demon, so who better to help him track down the killer than his demon-possessed partner, Mira? But one wrong turn in the investigation lands Ty in the crosshairs of a deadly curse that turns simple desires into lethal obsessions.

With less than 48 hours until Ty's sanity unravels completely, the partners must track down the culprit and neutralize the magic…or Mira will lose the only person she's ever let near her heart.

A Demon Faerie Tale, by L.R. Braden, is the third installment in the authors Rifter Series. Key Characters: Mira Fuentes who is a Rifter aka Demon possessed magic practitioner, and Ty Williams, crime fighting PTF agent who has become partners with Mira even though the PTF isn't exactly warm and welcoming to people like Mira. Mira and Ty are sent to Seattle to investigate a series of twisted deaths. First, there is the wife who suddenly finds cannibalism appealing and decides her husband is her next meal and dies grotesquely. 

Second, a veteran PTF agent suddenly finds himself in the movie Constantine where no matter how much he drinks, he can't satisfy his thirst after stealing a coin from the Johnson family. Third, a clerk at the convenience story where the PTF agent drank himself to death, decides to steal the coin from the agent, and doesn't survive an encounter with a bus. Finally, Ty himself is infected after he picks up a coin which appears to have been cursed. In all cases, whatever the person was craving when they touched the coin, that's what they become obsessed with. 

In Ty's case, his obsession becomes shoes. But who cursed the coin and why? All Mira knows is that she has no time for games. She needs to hunt down the person, likely Fae per her personal demon named Number Two, and get that person to break the curse before Mira loses Ty like Ty lost his last partner which is still hanging over his life and every action he takes. 

This story, in my opinion, could have been longer, but the ending was wrapped up nicely. Lastly, I do hope the author keeps writing about Mira and Ty. They make a great team and Mira's demon has a snarky attitude which makes the story entertaining.   

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this so much. Loving this series. Ty's shoe obsession was super funny.
