Monday, December 9, 2019

#Review - Angel Revelation by Mary Abshire #Paranormal

Series: The Gatekeeper #1
Format: Kindle, 221 pages
Release Date:  July 30th 2019 
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Source: Amazon
Genre: Paranormal / Suspense

Wanted for murder. Needed to save mankind.

The Great Reckoning changed everything. The gates opened and unleashed angels, demons, and banished all magic that hid the supernatural. Technology stopped working. Leaders disappeared. Chaos ensued. Life today is nothing like it was twenty-five years ago.

For several years, demons haven’t caused much trouble in my city. Everyone thinks they’re planning something. Soldiers comprised of werewolves, vampires and other supernatural creatures work with angels to protect us and maintain order while the rest of us struggle to survive. Although I’m a hybrid vampire, I thought I was like everyone else trying to preserve some semblance of civilization in our crazy, messed up world.

Then I found out I was different. I’m the last of my bloodline, and I can make a huge difference in the war between Heaven and Hell.

Mary Abshire's Angel Revelation is the first installment in the authors The Gatekeeper series. 24-year old Alexandria (Alex) Turner is a hybrid vampire who lives in a post Great Reckoning world. The Great Reckoning changed everything. The gates opened and unleashed angels, demons, and banished all magic that hid the supernatural. Technology stopped working. Leaders disappeared. Chaos ensued. Life today is nothing like it was twenty-five years ago.

The US has been split into two parts and there is a wide chasm that doesn't allow for any travel from the East to the West. When the gates opened, Hell unloaded mostly bad demons and it is now up to a combined force of soldiers and Angels to stop them from taking over the world. Alex lives in Indianapolis where there is a killer on the loose. The worst part, authorities believe that Alex is the actual killer.

Alex has had a very challenging life. She has no clue who her parents were since she was abandoned at birth. She was raised by vampires, caught by demons who tortured her for years until she finally escaped and made her way to Indianapolis. Her friends include Theo who is a hybrid demon, and Max who is a vampire who helped Alex get to Indianapolis. The problem is that she has 5-6 years of lost memories and has no clue what really happened to her.

Now, with killers on the loose (who seemingly followed Alex from Chicago), she finds herself between a rock and a hard place with soldiers comprised of werewolves, vampires and others, angels and demons all trying to capture her. Alex's only support comes from Theo and Max who know about her past and her lost memories. And, in an unlikely alliance, an Angel named Ezekiel may hold the answers to Alex's past and righting the wrongs from 25 years ago. 

As Alex struggles to find out who she can trust, and why she is being chased by Angels and Demons, a shocking secret might send Alex on an even more dangerous journey searching for answers. Obviously, this is just the beginning of the series. Alex's search for answers are just now getting started. This story leaves readers hanging, but no worries, the next installment is already out ready for you to read.

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