Thursday, August 1, 2024

#Review - Promise of Vipers by Steve McHugh #Fantasy

Series: Riftborn # 4
Format: Kindle, 302 pages
Release Date: June 25, 2024
Publisher: Podium Publishing
Source: Kindle Unlimited
Genre: Urban Fantasy

Political plots, ancient foes, and old grudges lead Lucas Rurik on a dangerous mission through the Rift in the fourth book of this thrilling urban fantasy.

Lucas Rurik, sole living member of the Raven Guild, hoped that killing the deranged Dr. Callie Mitchell would end her plot to stir up trouble between the Rift and Earth, bringing peace to both lands. And it did—for exactly three weeks, four days, seventeen hours, and eleven minutes. But then it all went to hell.

Two years later, things still haven’t gotten much better. Tears of rift energy are slashing through the sky much more frequently—and more powerfully—than ever before, unleashing all sorts of new fiends and horrors upon the world. And just as Lucas thinks he’s uncovered an important clue as to what’s been causing the chaos, he’s dragged back into the Rift to make good on an old favor and help hunt down someone who’s been destroying riftborn settlements.

Now Lucas must contend with governmental conspiracies involving Earthly cults, dangerous coups orchestrated by ancient powers, and heartrending secrets kept by those he most trusts—and fast. Because it seems there’s a new guild on the rise. And it’s members are intent on eliminating the Raven Guild once and for all . . .

Promise of Vipers, by Steven McHugh, is the fourth installment in the authors Riftborn series. Apparently, 2 years has passed since Callie Mitchell took a swan dive into a core of rift energy and was thought to be dead. In Yorkshire, Lucas Rurik, the sole living member of the Raven Guild, once again has his hands full with rift tears spreading across the globe, and an American serial killer arrives in the country which seems a bit coincidental until you realize that nothing is as it appears.

Lucas, along with Hiroyuki, a Silver Phalanx who protects Noah, who is an ancient, Nadia, a chained revenant who can see future possibilities, and Ji-Kyun leader of the RCU, have a dangerous situation at hand. There are Rift tears happening all over the US and along with the tears, they are finding boxes with peculiar items in them. It seems as if someone is intentionally trying to create these rips in the fabric of the world and to possibly thin out the barrier between our world and the Rift.  

And just as Lucas thinks he’s uncovered an important clue as to what’s been causing the chaos, he’s dragged back into the Rift to make good on an old favor and help hunt down someone who’s been destroying riftborn settlements. Now Lucas must contend with governmental conspiracies involving Earthly cults, dangerous coups orchestrated by ancient powers, and heartrending secrets kept by those he most trusts—and fast. Because it seems there’s a new guild on the rise. And it’s members are intent on eliminating the Raven Guild once and for all.

*Thoughts* The one thing I can say about this book is the relief that Lucas must feel after discovering the truth about who was responsible for the slaughter of his Raven Guild, one of the only Guilds that refused to take a knee to a powerful Ancient. However, I felt for Lucas after he seemed to be delayed in learning important things he should have known hundreds of years ago. I was really happy with the ending between Lucas and Nadia, I couldn't be happier that it seems that Lucas has also fallen in love with Drusilla, and I really want Lucas to go back to the Rift and discover the city that was meant to be his home. I'm not sure if I have forgiven Neb yet, but that's up to Lucas. Lastly, why is it that villains don't tend to die in this series but seem to live on forever?   

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