Tuesday, February 2, 2021

#Review - All the Tides of Fate by Adalyn Grace #YA #Fantasy

Series: All the Stars and Teeth Duology (#2)
Format: Hardcover, 368 pages
Release Date: February 2, 2021
Publisher: Imprint
Source: Publisher
Genre: Young Adult / Fantasy / Epic

Through blood and sacrifice, Amora Montara has conquered a rebellion and taken her rightful place as queen of Visidia. Now, with the islands in turmoil and the people questioning her authority, Amora cannot allow anyone to see her weaknesses.

No one can know about the curse in her bloodline. No one can know that she’s lost her magic. No one can know the truth about the boy who holds the missing half of her soul.

To save herself and Visidia, Amora embarks on a desperate quest for a mythical artifact that could fix everything―but it comes at a terrible cost. As she tries to balance her loyalty to her people, her crew, and the desires of her heart, Amora will soon discover that the power to rule might destroy her.

All the Tides of Fates is the second and final installment in author Adalyn Grace's All the Stars and Teeth duology. Four months have passed since Amora defeated her enemy, lost her father, gained the throne, became Queen, but lost half her soul in the process, and on top of all of that, her magic is missing, and she can’t tell a soul for fear of being outcast. Amora struggles to gain the respect and love of her people, and questions herself and her ability to rule. To make matters worse, Amora is still bound to Bastian and has been ignoring him and a curse still weighs heavily on her head.

Amora decides early on to try and be the type of queen her people wanted to see, and to not be fully herself for the sake of preserving her kingdom. Unsurprisingly, even though the islands of the Kingdom of Visidia are now allowed to practice whatever multiple kinds of magic they’d like, there is still a lot of unrest from all of the lies that her father kept hidden. So, when her advisers recommended that she should begin to find a suitor and give the kingdom a sense of safety, she embarks on a tour of the islands.

But isn't a husband she has on her mind. After hearing about a magical object that will allow her to break the curse on her and Bastian that can be found on one of islands, she agrees to set out with her old crew and then some. Onboard the Keel Haul, besides Amora, are Bastian, a pirate with curse magic, Ferrick, her former fiancé who has become her trusted adviser and is also a healer, Vataea, the mermaid who can turn the tides with a song, Shanty, who is a face shifter, and Casem, is a mind speaker who can wield air magic.

Amora’s tour of the islands takes some hiccups along the way and she keeps a huge secret from those who are supposed to be her friends for much of the story. Throughout the book, we see the effects of how the kingdom of Visidia is adapting to the changing laws that now allow them to practice any form of magic. After leaving on her own quest and leaving the crew behind, Amora finally reveals the secret she’s been keeping. I think this was very wrong on her part. Especially from Vataea who really takes it personally and I don’t rightly blame her. It’s a betrayal that’s hard to forgive.  

Due to the Montara curse, Amora spends a large portion of her time trying to avoid Bastian until she is fully herself again, so that she can trust that whatever she feels for him is real. I adored Ferrick in this story. He’s aware that he’s got zero chance with Amora, but he makes one of the most heart-breaking choice a character could make (Hell yes I cried!). Amora is one of those characters that makes you want to reach into the book and shake sense into them. You’ll hope she will make the best of what has been left to her. She’s a tough cookie with a complicated family heritage and far from a pampered princess.

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