Welcome to Gizmos Reviews stop on the Black Rook Blog Tour!
I hope you give this book a shot! I absolutely adored it. You can find my review posted
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Rook, Cornerstone Run Trilogy #1
By Kelly Meade
July 15th from Intermix
She never saw this
Brynn Atwood is a low-level Magus whose
unpredictable precognitive powers have made her an outcast among her people—and
an embarrassment to her highly-regarded father. After a frightening vision in
which her father is murdered by a loup garou man, Brynn decides to prove
herself by finding the killer, and stopping them at any cost.
Her target is Rook McQueen, the son of a
small-town loup garou Alpha. Despite being the youngest of three, Rook is first
in line to inherit the role of Alpha, a duty he isn’t sure he’s capable of
fulfilling. When Brynn finally meets Rook, she doesn’t expect the attraction
that draws her to him—and him to her.
No longer believing him a murderer, Brynn and
Rook strike an alliance to find her father’s real killer. But when his older
brother is targeted by an unknown enemy, Rook will have to choose between his
growing feelings for Brynn and his duty as the future Alpha of his community.

Cornerstone Run is a paranormal romance trilogy, set in a
world of hidden loup garou, their mystical Magi enemies, and the occasional
vampire. The small, reclusive town of Cornerstone, Pennsylvania, houses an
almost entirely loup garou population—one of only thirteen towns around the
country that serve as a sanctuary for their nonhuman inhabitants, where the
loup garou are free to be themselves. When a neighboring sanctuary town is
attacked by a vicious, unknown enemy, the three sons of Cornerstone’s Alpha
must stand together to protect their people—and the women who steal their
Cornerstone Run
Excerpt – Chapter 1
Brynn Atwood observed the entrance to McQueen’s Auction House, as she
had done for the past few minutes while she gathered the courage she needed to
leave the safety of her rental car. A steady stream of vehicles entered the
parking lot and ejected browsers and buyers, all eager to view today’s auction
and visit with acquaintances seen only during these once-a-week sales. Not
Brynn. She was certainly the only person who’d showed up today intending to
prevent a murder.
Walking alone into a town populated with and run by loup garou wasn’t
the smartest thing she had ever done in her twenty-four years, but it certainly
counted as the bravest. If she managed to achieve her goal, even her father
would have to admit to her courage and to the validity of her visions. He
didn’t trust in her seer ability, nor did he believe that her vision of him
being murdered by a loup garou would come true.
“Surely you know I would never put myself into a situation that would
result in such a calamitous outcome,” her father, Archimedes Atwood, had said
the previous day. And as with every chilly encounter between them in the last
few months, he’d spoken with the impatience of a strict teacher correcting a
belligerent child. “Perhaps some of your visions have come true on occasion,
but do not use me to distract attention from your own disgrace. I have no more
time for this nonsense.”
Her visions were always nonsense.
Archimedes was a Prime Magus in the Congress of Magi, one of four, as
well as a powerful practitioner of elemental magic. He’d never hidden his
disappointment over Brynn’s uncontrollable precognitive powers—powers he had
yet to acknowledge were real—or her inability to one day claim his spot on the
Congress. She was too weak, a failure as a Magus. She couldn’t even manage to
keep her job as a Congress tutor for more than two years. All she had left were
her infrequent visions, in whatever time or manner they chose to come.
And worse yet, he had all but accused her of fabricating this vision and
the need to save him in order to make up for the shame she’d brought to their
name when she was fired. She didn’t want the vision to be true. She wanted her
father alive for many years to come.
She would figure out how to save him on her own. She would prove her
Brynn climbed out of her car and surveyed the quickly filling parking
lot. In any new situation, her best first step was to observe her surroundings,
study others, and discover the way to best fit in. She had never before attended
a public auction of any sort; she knew only that antiques and other goods were
bid upon and purchased, sometimes at outrageous prices. Some patrons walked
into the building carrying their own boxes, clearly expecting to purchase
items. Others entered carrying only cups of coffee or soda, or small children.
The variety of patrons surprised her: young and old, scruffy and
well-kempt, couples and singles and large groups, and families. Some drove up
with pickups and vans; some parked expensive cars in the narrow, crowded lot.
Everyone seemed at ease.
I must stick out like
a smoking vampire in daylight.
Standing there like a fool would only garner her unwanted attention.
Subtlety was the route to accomplishing her task. Brynn forced her feet to
carry her forward, past other vehicles, toward the main entrance. Everyone
seemed to be entering the large, barnlike building through those glass double
doors. A few people came back to the parking lot from the side of the building,
which indicated a back entrance/exit, as well. She’d tried to find blueprints
of the layout before her arrival, but getting any sort of in-depth information
on Cornerstone, Pennsylvania, was next to impossible.
The town had a small population of six hundred forty-one residents, and
Brynn could guess that about ten percent were human. Cornerstone was founded by
a run of loup garou nearly two centuries ago, and was one of a dozen similar
safe havens around the country. Much like the Congress of Magi and a few
surviving nests of vampires, loup garou runs required secrecy and anonymity to
survive in the modern world. The weekly auctions at McQueen’s brought outside
income to the town without the interference of tourism or industry, and it kept
them from appearing too insular to the outside world.
Her father stubbornly refused to have any faith in her abilities, but
Brynn’s visions of the future came true without fail, and the most recent had
led her here to McQueen’s Auction House. Led her to the loup garou she’d seen
standing over her father’s broken body. The man her careful research told her
was named Rook McQueen.
The boy, she
As a general rule, her people did not trust technology. The Magi trusted
tradition and magic above all else. Growing up an only child with few friends, Brynn
spent hundreds of hours on her computer—a gift awarded by her father on her
twelfth birthday, as a means to keep her mind occupied beyond the limited
resources of their home’s physical library. Only weeks before, she had spoken
to him of her first vision. In the middle of reading a book, she had seen a
clear image of a baby bird falling from a nest. It disturbed her so much that
she’d fled into the backyard in time to see it happen. She scooped the tiny
robin up and climbed the tree where she spotted the nest, returning the lost
baby to its siblings.
She was so proud when she told her father about it that night—not only
the bird, but the premonition. Her very first display of a Magus power.
“Manifestations of a child’s overactive imagination,” he had scoffed. “Do not
bother me with these small things, daughter.”
The computer became her gateway to the outside world, a link to
knowledge far beyond the borders of her home in Chestnut Hill. And like the
young sleuths in the slim novels she’d loved so much, Brynn taught herself how
to research and investigate—skills that had served her well these last few days
as she raced to identify her father’s killer.
One of three sons of Thomas McQueen, the auction house’s owner, Rook was
two years younger than herself, a recent college graduate, and the former lead
singer of a popular local rock band—not exactly the portrait of a killer, loup
garou or otherwise. And yet the brief glimpse of him in her vision, skin marked
with tattoos, human teeth bared, and hands covered in her father’s blood,
showed him capable of violence, as all loup garou inevitably were.
She would not allow her father to become Rook McQueen’s victim.
Archimedes Atwood was too important, not only to herself but to the Congress of
Magi. The Magi were small in number, and they relied on their leaders to
protect them from their enemies, including the volatile, deadly loup garou. And
as an elemental Magi, he was among the most powerful. Few others shared his
ability to manipulate fire. Their people needed him, so Brynn needed to protect
him. She had to find a way to prevent her father’s murder before it occurred.
The biggest blank in her research was Rook’s relationship to the run’s
Alpha. Brynn had no access to the Congress’s files on the loup garou, and she
couldn’t directly ask her father for the name of Cornerstone’s Alpha—her father
had no idea she’d identified his would-be assassin, or that she was in central
Pennsylvania doing reconnaissance on said assassin, instead of at the family
home wallowing in her professional disgrace.
A random loup killing her father carried a very different meaning than a
loup from within the higher ranks of the run’s Alpha family—the latter could
easily be considered an act of war against the Congress of Magi. A foolishly
begun war, as the Magi and loup had maintained an uneasy peace for the last
sixty years.
Concentrate, foolish
girl, before you get yourself killed. This isn’t one of your novels, this is
Brynn smoothed her palms down the front of her green t-shirt and tugged
at the hem. She stopped, recognizing the nervous gesture, a habit from the two
years she’d worked as a Congress tutor, which required skirts and blouses and
high heels. The t-shirt, denim shorts, and Keds combination she’d chosen for
today’s mission had been partly for comfort in the August heat and partly to
blend in. The final piece of her costume was the Magus pendant hidden behind
the t-shirt, which would act as a sensory mirror and hide her natural scent—any
loup sniffing her for signs of “other” would smell a common human female,
instead of a Magus. The auction attracted dozens of human buyers, but the
people who ran it and worked there were still loup. The pendant was her only
real protection against their sense of smell.
The stolen pendant,
you fool. Plucking it from her father’s office had nearly given her
fits, and her father would be apoplectic when he discovered it was missing—yet
another reason to finish her task and return home posthaste. Maybe, just maybe,
she could prevent this vision from coming true. She had to try.
Nerves twisted her stomach into a tight ball that nearly squeezed the
air from her lungs. The thump of music and drone of voices greeted her as Brynn
pushed open the door and stepped inside McQueen’s Auction House.
Avesta, protect me,
your loyal daughter.
Plea to the Magi’s patron sent, Brynn forced her anxiety into the
background and paid closer attention to her surroundings. The entrance was
spacious, with a short hallway and a brightly painted “Restrooms” sign on her
immediate right. On the left was a bulletin board covered in layers of posters
and flyers advertising yard sales and on-site auctions. Past it was a roped-off
stairwell going up to parts unknown. A handsome young man in cowboy boots and a
matching leather hat leaned near the stairwell, sipping from a Styrofoam cup,
as though he lived solely to hold up that particular wall.
His intent gaze landed on her, and she didn’t have to search for the
copper flecks in his brown eyes to know he was loup garou. Brynn’s insides
froze, but she forced out a calm, flirty smile. She knew she was attractive
enough to gather a few second glances, and he was what she might hesitantly
call beautiful—if a man could be considered so—with a slim nose and perfectly
symmetrical features. However beautiful, this man was also her enemy. His body
was fit, impeccably toned, and even at ease he thrummed with the power of his
caged beast. He also wasn’t Rook McQueen, so although he was quite pleasant to
look at, he did not hold her interest.
He tilted his head in a friendly gesture, then winked. Brynn blushed and
ducked her head, a reaction she did not have to fake. Male attention of any
sort nowadays left her insides squirrely, a sense of bitter panic residing
where her confidence had once dwelled. She also needed to remain inconspicuous
while here, and flirting with a local cowboy was not the way to stay alive.
Brynn followed an elderly couple out into the main room. She slipped
over to her left, out of the flow of traffic, and absorbed the scene of orderly
chaos. An elevated pair of cash registers stood near the entrance, with lines
on each side. The customers in line traded personal information for a large
index card with a number written in black marker. Cards in hand, the customers
went to one of many places in the cavernous room.
Dozens of tables of merchandise were set up along the perimeter of the
room, three rows deep, and at the center of it all was a dais, two stools, and
a microphone. Directly behind the dais was a long row of antique furniture and
four glass cases. Rows of mismatched chairs covered the rest of the floor
space, facing the dais. At least half the chairs were marked by either sitting
bodies or empty boxes waiting for their owners. In the far back of the room,
close to Brynn’s position, was a food counter advertising sandwiches and chips
and cold sodas, and it produced the bitter scent of over-brewed coffee.
Opposite Brynn was another set of propped-open double doors, and a steady
stream of people moved in and out of a second room that seemed crowded with
Someone jostled past on a waft of coffee-scented air, alerting Brynn to
the competing odors in the room. The food counter fought with the tang of human
body odor, as well as the musty stink of old paper and leather. A damp smell,
like rain, hung over everything else, reminding her that even though she was
surrounded by human beings, nonhumans also mingled. Every loup in the room
posed a threat to her safety.
Brynn walked along the back wall, out of the heavier flow of people,
alert for her prey. She spotted three other men who set off her loup alarms.
Each wore a black t-shirt and jeans, just like the man outside in the cowboy
McQueen employees.
They must be.
One of them lingered near the dais, chatting with an older woman in a
purple caftan, giving her his full attention while still managing to observe
the room. He had a strong facial resemblance to the loup in the entrance, and a
stronger resemblance to the photo she’d found of Rook. Each could easily be one
of Rook’s two brothers. Brynn swallowed hard, mouth dry. If two of the three
McQueen brothers worked here, maybe Rook did, as well. He could appear at any
Your brother may one
day murder my father.
The thought saddened her. Rook wasn’t just a potential murderer. He was
also a brother and a son, and his family would miss him if he were gone. They
would also fight to protect him the moment they considered her a threat.
You can’t think about that now, foolish girl.
Brynn inhaled a steadying breath. She palmed her right hand in her left,
the fingers of her left hand smoothing over the gold band of the ring she wore
on her right index finger. The top of the ring appeared to be a piece of
costume jewelry, a blue gem the size of a nickel. A blue gem filled with a
paralytic poison, developed decades ago to specifically target the loup garou’s
nervous system. One tap of the ring would send a dose of poison down the ring’s
band to her hand, and one firm handshake with any loup would put enough on his
skin to kill him within an hour. No one would suspect such an innocuous item to
be a deadly weapon, which was exactly the reason she’d stolen it from her
father’s study.
As a small child, she had once overheard him boasting to another Magus
of using the ring to drug an unsuspecting loup garou, and they were none the
wiser. She had thought this made her father particularly clever, and the moment
had stayed with her. Brynn Atwood might walk alone into a loup sanctuary town,
but she wouldn’t walk in unarmed.
She had a single dose of the antidote hidden in her car in case she
accidentally poisoned someone—no sense in leaving that to chance. She might be
willing to kill to protect her father and she would defend herself if attacked,
but she would not hurt an innocent loup.
If loup could be considered innocent. Her father would scoff at the
She had considered her plan a dozen different ways before engaging. She
didn’t rush blindly ahead. She rarely undertook any sort of action without
having first clearly considered the potential outcomes. The only action
guaranteeing her vision never came true was her removing Rook from the
equation. Murdering him first. That was, however, a last resort action that
almost guaranteed her own death at loup garou hands, as well as bringing the
full power of her father’s anger down on their run.
She preferred the plan where she observed, gathered information,
possibly discovered who the run Alpha was so she could introduce herself, and
then took steps to prevent her vision that left all involved happy and
healthy—her father especially.
Awareness prickled up her spine just as a male voice said, “You look a
bit lost, miss.”
Brynn turned, not terribly surprised to find the cowboy from the
entrance watching her. The cup was gone, but he still wore the silly leather
hat, which cast a shadow over his eyes. It didn’t hide his beauty, though.
“I was supposed to meet someone here, but I don’t see them yet,” she
said, the rehearsed lie falling easily from her lips.
“That explains it, then.” His tone was light, his voice lyrical and
calming, but it still held a hint of danger. And challenge.
“Explains what?”
“Why you looked like you were casing the place.”
She laughed without forcing it, finding actual humor in the comment. “Do
you often have problems with armed robbers staging stickups here?”
“No, but we’ve caught a few thieves over the years, trying to break in
and steal items before they go up for sale.”
“Are you saying I look like a thief?”
“You just looked a little lost, that’s all. This your first time here?”
“It’s that obvious?”
He lifted his left shoulder in a shrug. “My father owns the place, and
I’ve worked for him since I was a kid. I know all of the regulars, and most of
the semi-regulars. New faces are easy to spot, especially faces as pretty as
Two things solidified for Brynn then: this man was definitely one of the
McQueen brothers, and he was definitely flirting with her. Inbred disgust at
the loup’s attention seized her, and she barely managed to stall a physical
He jumped, then his hand went to his jeans pocket. Brynn’s rising alarm
calmed when he whipped out a vibrating cell phone and checked a message.
“Damn,” he said as he tucked the phone away again. “Work calls.”
“Don’t let me keep you.”
“I hope your friend shows soon. In the meantime, take a look around.
We’ve got a lot of great stuff today.”
“Thank you.”
“My pleasure.”
He eased past her and walked straight up the center aisle of chairs to
the dais, directly to the other man she suspected of being a McQueen. She
watched them from the corner of her eye, but the other man gestured at the
furniture behind the dais. They didn’t seem to be talking about her. She’d just
had a conversation with her target’s brother and no one suspected a thing.
Don’t get cocky.
Things could still go badly in a moment’s time.
She pushed away the voice of reason. A little more confident now, Brynn
gave herself permission to look around. It was her first auction, after all.
She wandered to the other side of the room, as much to make a show of belonging
as to check out some of the items for sale. She’d always assumed auctions were
full of dirty antiques and shiny glass baubles, but the table nearest her was
covered with books. Boxes and boxes of books—hardcovers, paperbacks, textbooks,
in all genres and on all subjects. The reams of knowledge in those boxes made
her chest ache for the satisfaction she used to get from teaching.
Until last month, when she was fired from her tutor position and found
herself with zero standing among her people, and with no hope for her future.
Maybe after this
you’ll find a new calling as a Congress investigator.
Smiling at the ridiculous notion, she picked up a thick copy of the
annotated works of Homer and smoothed back the torn corner of its dust jacket.
Nostalgia for school and learning settled heavily in her chest, so heavily it
tried to force up tears. She’d briefly considered returning to school and
earning a new degree, since history and education hadn’t served her very well.
Briefly. If the Alpha reacted badly to her presence in his town, or Rook took
issue with her allegations, she’d never get the chance to reconsider her
education more thoroughly.
She’d never get the chance to do a lot of things. Her father once said
that loup justice was swift and merciless.
She put the book down and pinched the bridge of her nose, damming the
tears and steeling her nerves. She would not cry, not here in public. Not when
she needed to accomplish a job that required her full attention.
A flash of movement caught her attention, and Brynn turned her head
toward the entrance. Her gaze drifted up. Above the entrance, probably
accessible from that roped-off staircase, was a large window and a room behind.
Two men stood at the window, talking and gesturing, in what looked like an
office. Probably the manager’s office, which gave him a bird’s-eye view of his
The shorter of the two men captured and held her attention. Hints of a
tattoo peeked out from beneath the sleeve of his black t-shirt. Metal glinted
in his right earlobe, and another tattoo—or possibly the same—crept down his
ear to his neck and disappeared into the collar of his shirt.
Even in profile, Brynn knew him. Fear and rage collided in a storm of
cold and heat, and she clenched her hands into tight fists.
Rook McQueen. Her father’s future killer.
Blood rushed hot in her veins, and her heart thumped harder. He wasn’t
just a face in a vision any longer. He was real.
“Ma’am?” The strange male voice alarmed Brynn into spinning around too
fast. Her elbow clipped the voice owner in the chest and he grunted. Brynn’s
stomach bottomed out. The man from the front of the room, her second McQueen
brother suspect, frowned darkly, and she saw her own death there.
“I’m so sorry,” Brynn said. “Are you all right?”
“Fine. I’m sorry to bother you, but do you drive a white Dodge Neon?”
She blinked at the odd question about her rental car. “Yes, I do.”
“Someone reported that they backed into your car. You may want to come
with me and exchange insurance information.”
“Oh for Av—God’s sake.” Brynn mentally slapped herself for the near
slip. Using “Avesta’s sake” in the presence of a loup garou was as obvious as
wearing a t-shirt that said “Yes, I’m a Magus Spy. Kill Me.”
“Small lot, so it happens once in a while,” the man said. Up close, she
better saw the resemblance to the cowboy-wannabe in his narrow nose and hooded
eyes. However, the slight roundness in his cheekbones and higher forehead
showed a more pronounced similarity to Rook. And he was definitely older than
the other two. “The auction doesn’t start for another forty minutes, if you’re
worried about missing something.”
“No, it’s fine,” Brynn said, even though it wasn’t. The coincidence
unnerved her, but she had no choice except to see how this played out.
He stepped to the side. “After you.”
She walked to the end of the row of chairs and made her way back toward
the auction house entrance, keenly aware of her shadow’s presence, and that
she’d just turned her back on one of her people’s greatest enemies.
Author Bio

Raised on
a steady diet of Star Wars, Freddy Krueger and “Fear Street” novels, Kelly
Meade developed a love for all things paranormal at a very young age. The
stealthy adolescent theft of a tattered paperback from her grandmother’s
collection of Harlequins sparked an interest in romance that has continued to
this day.
Black Rook is the first novel in her Cornerstone Run series, a paranormal romance trilogy
from Berkley Intermix that also includes Gray Bishop and White Knight. It
follows three loup garou brothers who will do anything to protect their town,
their family, and the secret of their existence—and maybe fall in love in the
Writing as Kelly Meding, Three Days to Dead is the first book in her Dreg City urban
fantasy series. The series follows Evangeline Stone, a paranormal hunter who is
resurrected into the body of a stranger and has only three days to solve her
own murder and stop a war between the city’s goblins and vampires. Additional
books in the series, As Lie the Dead, Another Kind of Dead, and Wrong Side of Dead,
are available in both digital format and mass market paperback from Bantam.
Book five, Requiem for the Dead, is available digitally through all platforms.
Trance begins the story of the grown-up children of the
world’s slaughtered superheroes who receive their superpowers back after a
mysterious fifteen-year absence, and who now face not only a fearful public,
but also a vengeful villain who wants all of them dead. Trance and Changeling are
available now in both digital format and mass market paperback from Pocket
Books. Tempest and Chimera are available in digital format only via Pocket
Star. All four MetaWars books can also be purchased as a digital
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