Thursday, February 4, 2021

#Review - Shades of Allegiance by Sandy Williams #SyFy #Space #Opera

Series: Anomaly # 3
Format: E-Book, 360 pages
Release Date: January 26, 2021
Publisher: Sandy Williams
Source: Kindle
Genre: Space Opera / SyFy

Lieutenant Ramie Ashdyn is going home--or rather, to the hellhole that is her home world. With vengeance driving her, she's intent on tracking down the criminal who can help her unravel the conspiracy that's threatening the Coalition. Unfortunately, old enemies are sabotaging her efforts, jeopardizing the lives of the few people she trusts. To accomplish her mission, she'll need to be cunning and ruthless, and that means scrapping her conscience and burying emotions are adversaries could exploit.

Of course, being cunning and ruthless would be easier if the Coalition hadn't sent "Rest in Peace" Rykus to retrieve her. Ash is the only person who can detect the telepaths who have infiltrated the government, and Rykus must keep her safe until they can escape the planet. But with secrets between them and Ash determined to contact the Known Universe's most feared crime lord, staying alive--and together--might be an insurmountable feat.

Shades of Allegiance, by author Sandy Williams, is the third and final installment in the authors Anomaly trilogy. For the first time in a little over 5 years, Lieutenant Ramie "Ash" Ashdyn is going home to the hellhole that is her home world; Planet Glory. She's intent on tracking down the criminal mastermind, Neilan Tahn, who she believes can help her unravel the conspiracy that's threatening the Coalition by disrupting as much business of his that she can. Ash is an anomaly. She's badass. She's stronger, faster, and more skilled than normal humans. 

She has to take regular boosters that help her heal and keep her sane. She also underwent loyalty training that pretty much ensures that she will continue her mission until the very end. Even if that end means her death. Ash is the only one in the Coalition who can detect telepaths which threaten to bring down the Coalition, unravel the Interplanetary Government, and turn allies into enemies. But Ash hasn't exactly had an easy time. Her entire team was murdered leaving her brainwashed by a telepath who forced her to fall in love with him.

She's been called a deserter and put-on trial for treason and she was assigned a new crew and team leader. After her last mission though, everyone believes she's dead. Unfortunately for Ash, that doesn't last long. Old enemies are sabotaging her efforts, jeopardizing the lives of the few people she trusts. To accomplish her mission, she'll need to be cunning and ruthless, and that means scrapping her conscience and burying emotions are adversaries could exploit. Enter Commander Rhys (Rest in Peace) Rykus a hero of the Coalition and Ash's fail safe.

Rykus tried for 2 years to get Ash to quit. 3 year later, he tried again. Ash isn't ready to throw in the towel until she pays back a certain telepath who murdered her first team and brainwashed her. Being on Planet Glory means that we, as readers, finally get a better understanding of who Ash was before she left to join the Coalition. Mira who was supposed to be protected by Ash while she was away, but she’s turned into someone Ash doesn’t recognize. Glory is a tomb, a purgatory, a world destined to crush spirits. It is a world where crime bosses rule different parts of the planet.

It is where Ash made a name for herself before joining the Coalition. One of the many questions of this story was what really happened Ash's brother Trevast way back in Shades of Treason. Ash and RIP end up working together to put down the threat from Valt, who took over her mind several months ago, and his fellow conspirators who have infiltrated every level of the Coalition. With Tahn, Ash finally learns the reason why she was targeted for elimination and was the lone survivor of the Chalos II mission. The story doesn’t stay on Glory, it can’t with all that’s happening in the Known Universe.

I am grateful that we actually get a final book in this trilogy. The author experienced some serious ups and downs for 4 years before this book was finally ready to be published. Honestly, I think most authors would give up and move on, so I am grateful that Williams finished this series. This book has plenty of action as more than enough romance between Ash and Rip.


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