Monday, July 18, 2022

#Review - On Destiny (Aunare Chronicles #4) by Aileen Erin #SyFy

Series: Aunare Chronicles # 4
Format: Paperback, 464 pages
Release Date:  July 19th 2022
Publisher: Ink Monster
Source: Publisher
Genre: Young Adult / Science Fiction / Alien Contact

When Amihanna di Aetes first got to Sel’Ani, she never thought she’d have the full support of the Aunare, but she does. She never thought that she’d fall in love, get married, or become the High Queen, but she did. She never thought that she’d be planning something so stupid as her return to Earth, but that’s exactly what she’s doing.

With the Alliance broken, SpaceTech has fully retreated to their home planet, but the chaos of war will descend again. Amihanna and Lorne know they don’t much time to plan their next move. Everything in their guts tells them to head straight to Earth but going into the heart of SpaceTech’s territory is stupid, reckless, and very likely deadly.

Amihanna and Lorne have one chance to end this war quickly, protect the Aunare, free the Earther’s from SpaceTech’s rule, and save Declan, Ahiga, and the missing ABQ Crew members. Trying to do it all feels impossible, but Amihanna has never been one to back down from a challenge, especially when defeating SpaceTech was never just her mission. It’s her destiny. 

On Destiny is the final installment in author Aileen Erin's Aunare Chronicles. The story revolves around two characters: Amihanna di Aetes, the new High Queen of Aunare and Lorne ni Taure, the High King of the Aunare. It has been 3 weeks since Ami nearly died after being exposed to a bio-weapon created by SpaceTech. Ami is still mourning the loss of her guards who sacrificed themselves to save her. But time moves on, and so doesn't the threat from SpaceTech. 

When Ami first got to Sel’Ani, she never thought she’d have the full support of the Aunare, but she does. She never thought she would forgive her father Rysden for leaving her behind on Earth, but she has. She never thought that she’d fall in love, get married, or become the High Queen, but she did. She never thought that she’d be forced to return to Earth where she was hunted for 13 years, but that’s exactly what she’s doing. 

After a visit from a Bactah dignitary who can control minds, Ami is told that in order to help her in her war on SpaceTech, she needs to find a way to remember the time before she spent on Earth with her mother hiding from SpaceTech. Ami must face her own past before she can deal with the future or she'll constantly feel as though she's not safe anywhere. Even if it forces her to face painful memories. Ami is always prepared to flee in a moments notice. She has go-bags everywhere that will allow her to escape in a moments notice. 

Recently, Lorne and her guards have begun doing the same thing. Unfortunately for Ami and Lorne, their honeymoon ends too soon, and now allies have chosen a different side, which leads to attacks on the planet of Sel'Ani and other colonies which forces Ami to move up her plans on going to Earth. Ami also finds out that Declan and her ABQ crew is in big trouble. Declan has after being captured by his brother Jason who wants to use Declan to lure Ami into an inescapable trap on Earth. 

The rest of the crew is in hiding or on the run. Ami knows the only way to stop her hated enemy, Jason Murtagh and SpaceTech, she needs to find a way to get humans, Aunare, and hybrids on Earth and its colonies to rise up and take back their freedoms. To do so, Ami will have to rely on her ABQ crew to get to places she needs to be. While on Earth, Lorne still has some serious regrets about not being able to find the girl he watched grow up, one who would be his rival in power when she grew up. So, he tends to be overly protective of her, and that often grates on my nerves.

The author ends the series on a pretty nice moment. I won't spoil it for you, but Ami's new Destiny is just beginning! It's also kind of fun watching Ami's best friend Roan, and Lorne's sister Nori, hit it off which makes Lorne's head explode. The only negative commentary I have about this series is Ami's fatalism. She often puts herself in harms way, and that leads to explosive moments with Lorne feeling that he's not strong enough to keep her out of trouble. Technically, this is the 5th installment in the series, but one of the books, In Command, is a novella that should be read between Off Balance and On Mission. 

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