Thursday, May 23, 2024

#Review - Against the Darkness by Kendare Blake #YA #Paranomal

Series: Buffy: The Next Generation (#3)
Format: Hardcover, 384 pages
Release Date: April 9, 2024
Publisher: Disney Hyperion
Source: Library
Genre: Young Adult / Paranormal

This epic finale to the Buffy: The Next Generation trilogy by New York Times bestselling author Kendare Blake (Three Dark Crowns) features the next generation of Scoobies and Slayers who must defeat a powerful new evil.

For generations, the Slayer was supposed to be the chosen, the one girl in all the world with the power to stand against the vampires, demons, and forces of darkness. When Willow used the scythe to call up all the potential slayers at once, it changed everything. For years, the slayers have been working and fighting together as a team.

Then the Darkness came, killing many slayers and trapping the rest in an alternate dimension. And Frankie Rosenberg, the world’s first Slayer-Witch, found herself fighting evil alone. Sort of.

After their latest confrontation with the Darkness, the Scooby gang is more fragmented than ever. Jake is having a werewolf identity crisis, and the return of his troublemaker brother Jordy is only making things worse. Hailey is off pretending to be one of the rogue slayers. Sigmund is burying his broken heart in books. And Frankie's mom, Willow, and Watcher, Spike, only seem to care about bringing Buffy back.

Now, Frankie must forge her own path, save the slayers, reunite her friends, and lead the charge to defeat the Darkness once and for all.

Against the Darkness, by Kendare Blake, is the third installment in the authors In Every Generation series. For generations, the Slayer was supposed to be the chosen, the one girl in all the world with the power to stand against the vampires, demons, and forces of darkness. When Willow used the scythe to call up all the potential slayers at once, it changed everything. For years, the slayers have been working and fighting together as a team. 

Then the Darkness came, killing many slayers and trapping the rest in an alternate dimension, including Buffy. Frankie Rosenberg, the world’s first Slayer-Witch, found herself fighting evil like her aunt Buffy. Like Buffy, she has her very own Scooby Gang, plus the help of her mom, Willow; Watcher, Spike; and even the brooding-but-hot Hunter of Thrace. But even though they have a master plan (obviously), the gang is more fragmented than ever.

Even though Frankie did a good thing by destroying a powerful weapon, and stopped Aspen and the Countess, things are far from over. Frankie and the Scoobies (Jake, Sigmond, Hailey and Sam) need to find a way to defeat the Darkness and bring Buffy and the other slayers home from an alternative reality where they have been stuck for months, or else serious badness could descend upon Sunnydale. Meanwhile, Hailey, has chosen to play the role of double spy in order to find out what Aspen and her allies are up to.

The problem is that Hailey starts to think that Aspen truly just wants to have the power to choose or reject her Slayer powers and possibly return to a normal life. And what happens when Hailey finds herself in the position as being one of the potentials or understanding that she may become the next slayer? Her sister Vi, who was one of the surviving Slayers who chose not to follow Aspen, has gone in hiding along with Sarafina for fear that she will be the next slayer to get in Aspen's way.

Jake, meanwhile, is coming to terms with his wolf, and on occasion, they don't see eye to eye. He seems to be in the process of losing himself each day that goes by. Things don't exactly go smoothy when his cousin Jordy sends him something to help calm his wolf. Which leads to even more trouble. Then of course, we have the return of Dark Willow who goes searching for a powerful black Grimoire that may hold the answers they need to bring Buffy and the surviving Slayers back home. If Willow doesn't lose herself again.

So, now that I babbled my way through this review, let me say that you should absolutely read this series from the beginning. Especially if you are like me who watched Buffy 25 years ago and never missed an episode. So much actually happens in this book, that it is hard not to spoil things. From Aspen's obsession, to Grimloch becoming a pawn against Frankie, to Hailey's seesaw journey of deciding who she wants to be, and to the final chapters and the return of you know who to help stop the Darkness as well as, a nice surprise I didn't see coming. In the end of this book, the author pretty much states that she has no reason to stop writing books about the Buffyverse, and I am here for it. However, can we find out what happened to Xander and Dawn, please?

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