Thursday, May 30, 2024

#Review - With Shield and Ink and Bone by Casey L. Bond #YA #Fantasy

Series: Standalone
Format: Kindle, 400 pages
Release Date: November 11, 2020
Publisher: Casey L Bond
Source: Kindle Unlimited
Genre: Nordic Myth / Fantasy

The sharpest blades are forged in fury.

A hard-earned shield.

Days before she is to take her place as a shield maiden, like her mother before her, two deaths alter the course of Liv’s future. One belonged to a witch who called her by name, the other a chieftain from the north. Vengeance for the chieftain’s death comes in a wild fury that burns her village and slaughters her family. Left for dead, Liv pleads to Skuld—norn and weaver of the future—to spare her. A deal is struck that will endow her with the dark magic needed to claim her vengeance. But this power comes at an unfathomable price...

Ink made from the ashes of loved ones.

After his home is attacked, Calder races to warn neighboring villages. Little does he know he’s traveling the path of fate that will lead him straight to Liv. Despite being broken, angry, and overwhelmed by power she cannot contain, it’s her willingness to defend others that draws Calder to her.

Armor forged from the bones of those held dear.

Together, Liv and Calder discover they are two sides of the same sharpened blade. Rising from the heartache and fury in their pasts, they see a future together worth fighting for. With their strengths and hearts combined, can they become a force powerful enough to defeat the fleet of darkness coming for them? Or will the thread of fate that binds them unravel?

With Shield and Ink and Bone is perfect for fans of A Fate Inked in Blood by Danielle Jensen, Warrior of the Wild by Tricia Levenseller, and The Ever King by LJ Andrews.

Casey L. Bond's With Shield and Ink and Bone is a Viking inspired fantasy featuring 17-year-old Liv Eriksson who goes from challenging her mother to become a shield maiden, to becoming a warrior for the Goddess Skuld, weaver of the future. Liv and her brother Hodor are preparing for their trials, a battle with their parents to earn their shields, and then they'll meet with the clan leader and sail in the spring on the clan's next raids. But first, they have to survive the winter, and Hodor has had a vision in the form of a dream that foretells of a very different outcome.

Days before she is to take her place as a shield maiden, like her mother before her, two deaths alter the course of Liv’s future. One belonged to a witch who called her by name, the other a chieftain from the north. Vengeance for the chieftain’s death comes in a wild fury thanks to Fenris Wolf that burns her village and slaughters her family. Left for dead, Liv pleads to Skuld—norn and weaver of the future—to spare her. A deal is struck that will endow her with the dark magic needed to claim her vengeance. But this power comes at an unfathomable price.

After his home is attacked by Fenris, Calder races to warn neighboring villages. Little does he know he’s traveling the path of fate that will lead him straight to Liv. Despite being broken, angry, and overwhelmed by power she cannot contain, it’s her willingness to defend others that draws Calder to her. Together, Liv and Calder discover they are two sides of the same sharpened blade. Rising from the heartache and fury in their pasts, they see a future together worth fighting for. With their strengths and hearts combined, can they become a force powerful enough to defeat the fleet of darkness coming for them? Or will the thread of fate that binds them unravel?

*Thoughts* Liv was a strong character. Her journey to become who she was is challenging, not everyone can make it through. Especially after she learns why her village was attacked, and who was responsible. She endured a harsh and rough journey and came out stronger thanks to those like Armund, Calder, Fell, Tyr, and Sig. Armund was perfect as the father figure who Liv relies on to tell her straight facts and not what she wanted to hear. Liv's deal with Skuld really is a twisted part of the story. I think Skuld realizes that Liv was taken away from something greater, and not she needs to push Liv into getting her vengeance so she can maybe have a decent future with someone like Calder.

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